ၵႃႈၶၼ် လႄႈ ၶေႃႈမုၼ်း Verge

$ 0.014057
0.00000014 BTC
$ 231,521,820
သိုဝ်ႉၶၢႆ (24h)
$ 33,193,266
တင်းၼမ်ၶႂၢႆးင် ဢၼ်သိုဝ်ႉၶၢႆၼႂ်းၵၢတ်ႇ
16,521,951,236 XVG
တင်းၼမ်ၶႂၢႆးင် ဢၼ်ႁဵတ်းဢွၵ်ႇလႆႈသုင်သုတ်း
16,555,000,000 XVG

  • ၶျၢတ်ႉ

  • ပိုၼ်းသိုဝ်ႉၶၢႆ

  • ၵၢတ်ႇ

  • Social

  • ၶၢဝ်ႇ

  • တၢင်းႁၼ်ထိုင်

  • Zoom
  • ယၢမ်းမူင်း
  • ဝၼ်း
  • ဝူင်ႈ
  • လိူၼ်
  • ပီ
  • တင်းမူတ်း
  • Type
  • Chart သဵၼ်ႈ
  • Chart မႆႉ
* Currency in USD
Historical Price for Verge
Verge ၵၢတ်ႇ

    ၶေႃႈမုၼ်း Verge

    Verge is a cryptocurrency based on a fork of Bitcoin. It launched in 2014 with its independent chain but with an emphasis on privacy, using anonymous networks such as TOR and i2P, in order to obfuscated the IP address of its users as well as making all the transactions untraceable. Since Bitcoin transactions are not really anonymous and can be traced back to its user, Verge aims to address this privacy issues. It is powered by the Wraith protocol which adds additional features on top of a guaranteed layer of privacy.

    Verge’s lead developer is Justin Erik Valo aka Sunerok and the project is completely community driven. Verge (XVG) was earlier known as DogeDarkCoin but was renamed to Verge in early 2016 for marketing reasons. One of the unique feature of Verge is that it uses 5 different Proof of Work hashing algorithm (Scrypt, X17, Lyra2rev2, myr-groestl and blake2s) with average hash time of about 30 seconds. The total supply of Verge is 16.5 billion coins.

    လႅၵ်ႈလၢႆႈၶၼ်ငိုၼ်း Verge
